Need to talk to someone or report abuse? Call: 1-800-4ACHILD or 1-800-422-4458
The person who answers your call can help you figure out what to do and how to get help. If you call from a land line instead of a cell phone, the call will be free and will not show on a phone bill.
Monday, June 16, 2014
"I locked my door. It was weird. When I was around my mother I couldn’t help hating her and blaming her for my father leaving. When I was by myself or with Tara and her mom I blamed myself and my stupid guardian angel, though I wondered if I even had one. When I was with Jean I blamed her and the hotline counselor. When my dad was leaving I felt like it was all his fault. I was mad at everyone." From The Thursday Group; A Story and Information for Girls Healing From Sexual Abuse, page 148
Anger and Your Body
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Kimber's Upcoming Play Therapy Presentation
Have Toys, Will Travel: Play Therapy Techniques and Tools for the Itinerant Practitioner
Friday, April 4, 2014
Kimber's presentation will be a part of the Our Alaska Lives 2014 Conference, April 3, 4, &5 in Anchorage, Alaska.
This conference is sponsored by the Alaska Counseling Association and the Alaska Association for Play Therapy.

1) Participants will be able to describe and use at least three "Alaskan style" play therapy treatment interventions, all original ideas created by the presenter and used in both urban and rural Alaska.
2) Participants will learn about the difference between directive and child-centered interventions, when it is appropriate to use each, and how to integrate these play therapy techniques into a neuro-developmentally informed, culturally sensitive approach applicable to building attachment and resolving trauma.
3) Participants will be introduced to easy, effective materials that they can use to make their own "Portable Alaskan Play Therapy Kits".
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Watch for more information here about Kimber's upcoming presentation in Anchorage, April 2014. She will be speaking at the collaborative annual conference, Our Alaskan Lives, put on by The Alaska Association for Play Therapy, The American Psychologists Association, Marriage and Family Therapists, and The Infant and Child Mental Health Board. Kimber will be presenting techniques she has developed for working with Indigenous cultures in Alaska, including a number of directive techniques. She will be sharing information from her upcoming book, tentatively titled, "Alaskan Ways in Play Therapy: unique challenges and responsibilities of adapting to culture", a resource for play therapists.
Monday, May 30, 2011
National Indian Child Welfare Association Conference
In April, my friend, Marty Hintz, and I met in Anchorage to sell books and story knives at the NICWA conference. Marty makes traditional yaruin (Yup'ik storyknives). In this picture Marty's friend, Esther, is showing how she and her friends used to tell stories and illustrate them with their yaruin when she was a child. The knives were popular with conference participants who had used them as children, and others who bought them to use as talking circle objects. The storyknives were a good match for The Thursday Group, a story for healing. If you are interested in purchasing a beautiful yaruin, email Marty at or stop by YaYa's, her art gallery in Fairbanks, Alaska, behind Safeway.
child sexual abuse,
Yu'pik storyknives
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Creating a Safe Place
A safe place is somewhere you can go to in your imagination when you are overwhelmed or scared, when you want to feel relaxed, or you can’t go to sleep. You may have an actual “safe place” that you can go to, like your tree house, your friend’s room, or the canoe you paddle on the lake. Or, it might be the dream of somewhere you hope to see someday: a warm sunny beach; a dark, quiet forest; or a rain storm on the desert. It can also be somewhere totally imaginative, like the purple fairy forest of your childhood imagination, or the deep blue of the ocean, swimming with a pod of whales.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12th Indian Nations Conference
My mother and my sister-in-law came with me to the conference, which was great. Mom sat at my book table. It was wonderful to hear from people how helpful the book has been in their communities, or how excited they were to be bringing it back to their workplace, or to a family member. My sister-in-law, Laurie, was sunning herself next the pool near a tribal judge who was reading The Thursday Group. She said she planned to order copies of the book to give to girls coming through her court. When Laurie mentioned that the publisher, NEARI press, gives a 40% discount for orders of 40 books or more, the judge said that they could easily use 40 of the books. A number of other participants also said that they would be placing bulk orders. Kimber and I are soooo thrilled that more and more of the books are getting out into the hands of girls.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Kimber's November Presentations
If you live in Alaska, you may want to attend these training events:
November 13th, in Wasilla, Kimber will be presenting a day long workshop on Reactive Attachement Disorder for the Alaska Attachment and Bonding Associates. It is titled, Flirting with Disaster but Coming Out Ahead; Living and Loving with the RAD Child.
November 19th, Kimber will speak at the Child Maltreatment Conference in Anchorage about Facilitating Groups for Children Who have been Sexually Abused.
November 13th, in Wasilla, Kimber will be presenting a day long workshop on Reactive Attachement Disorder for the Alaska Attachment and Bonding Associates. It is titled, Flirting with Disaster but Coming Out Ahead; Living and Loving with the RAD Child.
November 19th, Kimber will speak at the Child Maltreatment Conference in Anchorage about Facilitating Groups for Children Who have been Sexually Abused.

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