Abi: The book was my idea. I wrote down all my weird thoughts and the stupid things I did basically because it makes me mad that kids get sexually abused, and I didn’t want, and I still don’t want anyone to feel as lonely as I did afterward. So, don’t let all my embarrassing honesty go to waste, okay? Like Carol says, be a friend to yourself. Let people around you know if you need to talk, or anything! It can be embarrassing, but it is better than pretending you are okay when you aren’t.

people with respect.)

Imaya: I was in the group because I was hurt by a man my mother used to be married to. I ended up having to go to a kind of hospital for people who have mental problems. If you ever have to do that, remember, it’s not as bad as it might seem at first. The people who work there really do care. The more honest and open you can manage to be the better they can help you. It will get better (over time!). My wish for you is that when you laugh or run it will feel great, like you are totally ALIVE and that afterwards you will feel fine, too, not nervous about having fun. And that you will be safe and happy.

Jake: one of Abi’s friends. I have never been sexually abused but I know a lot about it, now. I think that friends of kids that have been abused should read this book. It helped me understand some things that happened between Abi and me. I hope that you have friends that care about you.