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Thursday, March 13, 2014
Kimber's Upcoming Play Therapy Presentation
Have Toys, Will Travel: Play Therapy Techniques and Tools for the Itinerant Practitioner
Friday, April 4, 2014
Kimber's presentation will be a part of the Our Alaska Lives 2014 Conference, April 3, 4, &5 in Anchorage, Alaska.
This conference is sponsored by the Alaska Counseling Association and the Alaska Association for Play Therapy.

1) Participants will be able to describe and use at least three "Alaskan style" play therapy treatment interventions, all original ideas created by the presenter and used in both urban and rural Alaska.
2) Participants will learn about the difference between directive and child-centered interventions, when it is appropriate to use each, and how to integrate these play therapy techniques into a neuro-developmentally informed, culturally sensitive approach applicable to building attachment and resolving trauma.
3) Participants will be introduced to easy, effective materials that they can use to make their own "Portable Alaskan Play Therapy Kits".
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